Hiremii App 


Contact our sales team below with any questions you have!

General Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I contact if I am having technical issues?
If you are having technical issues please contact us on [email protected]
Who does the content belong to?

Hiremii does not hold any copyright over the jobs you generate. You are responsible for the content including ensuring that the content doesn’t violate any applicable laws or our terms and conditions.

Is there a limit of generations per job advert?

Yes, but it’s a lot! You can hit generate a total of 20 times for each job advert.

Can I get a demo of Shortlist?

Yes, you can! Either click the link below or contact us at [email protected]

Click here to book a demo


How do I reset my password?

To reset your password click “Forgot my password” on the sign-in page. You will receive a password reset link to your email. If you do not receive the link and its not in your junk mail, email us on [email protected]

What is your refunds and credit policy?

Hiremii will not give refunds under any circumstance. Hiremii may choose to offer credits where appropriate.

How do I get support?
Is AdWriters content unique?

yes, the AdWriter generates completely unique content. If you regenerate your advert again it will return a new output. While the language model can produce some incredible results we advise that the output be treated as a raw suggestion of a job advert.

Still having trouble? Contact us below!

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